The College’s Annual Security and Fire Safety Report 2017

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18 THE COLLEGE'S ANNUAL SECURITY AND FIRE SAFETY REPORT 2017 and Housing to confirm all residents have evacuated from the building. Additionally, the Department of Residential Education and Housing performs inspections of each resident's room in on-campus student housing facilities to confirm fire safety compliance. Residents found in violation of college policy are subject to disciplinary action through the student conduct process. In adherence to the International Fire Code New Jersey Edition 2006, the following is strictly prohibited in all college-managed on-campus student housing facilities: tampering or misuse of all fire safety equipment (which includes, but is not limited to, fire extinguishers, fire alarm pull stations, sprinkler heads, smoke detectors, heat sensors, "Exit" signs, emergency lighting, elevator phones, fire doors, and call boxes); blocking doorways; hanging objects from windows; hanging objects on/from fire safety equipment or the ceiling; and initiating false alarms. e College of New Jersey and the State of New Jersey treat false alarms very seriously. Individuals who initiate false alarms are subject to local, state, or federal legal processes and/or disciplinary action through the student conduct process. Due to their extreme potential fire hazards the following items are strictly prohibited in college-managed on-campus student housing facilities: candles (even for decorative purposes); incense; halogen lamps; fireworks; smoke/fog machines; flame-producing devices; personal furniture containing or constructed of urethane; and appliances with exposed heating elements, including but not limited to broiler or toaster ovens, heating devices, hotplates, toasters, and space heaters (in emergencies, space heaters may be issued by the Department of Residential Education and Housing staff). e use of appliances with enclosed heating elements for cooking purposes is only permitted in the common areas (i.e., kitchens and lounges); this includes rice cookers, slow cookers, and similar items. According to New Jersey state law, smoking of any tobacco product or use of any electronic smoking devices in any indoor public place or workplace is prohibited. In order to maintain the highest levels of health and safety possible, e College of New Jersey prohibits smoking of any tobacco product or use of any electronic smoking devices in all residential buildings. Residents and occupants of facilities in which evidence of use of such a product is found are subject to action through the student conduct process and/or fines from the State of New Jersey. All fire safety violations are considered very serious and may result in removal from residence. A fire log is maintained at the Office of Campus Police Services. To review this log, please visit the dispatch window located in the Administrative Services Building. All fires are required to be reported to the Office of Campus Police Services. Fire Safety Education and Awareness e Office of Occupational Safety and Environmental Services works closely with the Department of Residential Education and Housing and the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, Division of Fire Safety to ensure that all on-campus student housing facilities managed by the college are in compliance with the International Fire Code New Jersey Edition 2006. On-campus student housing facilities managed by the college include traditional dorm-style residence halls and individual houses owned by the college (referred to as College Houses), all of which are managed by the staff of the Department of Residential Education and Housing. Fire safety systems protect all college-managed on-campus student housing facilities, and each system consists of fire alarms, smoke detection, and sprinkler protection. Strobe lights are equipped in certain rooms based on occupant need and required codes. Additionally, all on-campus student housing facilities and attached parking garages are equipped with fire extinguishers. Fire safety systems in college-managed residence halls are monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week by the Office of Campus Police Services. In College Houses the sprinkler system is monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week by a contracted central station monitoring company that notifies the Office of Campus Police Services in the event of an alarm. Fire safety education for college-managed on-campus student housing facilities is provided through the Office of Occupational Safety and Environmental Services to the Department of Residential Education and Housing. A fire safety awareness briefing is conducted by the Department of Residential Education and Housing to all occupants of these facilities shortly after they move in. Fire safety education topics include, but are not limited to, fire prevention, safe evacuation techniques, and fire extinguishers. e College of New Jersey maintains a mandatory evacuation policy in all college-managed on-campus student housing facilities. In accordance with this policy, in the event of a fire or upon activation of any fire alarm, all building occupants are required to evacuate the building. Evacuees are then required to retreat to a safe location at least 50 feet from the building. Any person who fails to evacuate during a fire alarm activation is subject to criminal complaints by the Office of Campus Police Services and/or disciplinary action through the student conduct process. Each on-campus student housing facility has a fire safety and evacuation plan. At the direction of the Office of Occupational Safety and Environmental Services and the Office of Campus Police Services, the Department of Residential Education and Housing performs four (4) fire drills for each college-managed on-campus student housing facility during the academic year. Two (2) drills are performed during the fall semester, and two (2) drills are performed during the spring semester. During each semester at least one (1) drill is performed between sunset and sunrise. is drill schedule is in compliance with the International Fire Code New Jersey Edition 2006. During fire drills at the on-campus student housing facilities each room is checked by the Department of Residential Education

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