The College’s Annual Security and Fire Safety Report 2017

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17 THE COLLEGE'S ANNUAL SECURITY AND FIRE SAFETY REPORT 2017 • Master education plan. Develop a master education plan with the aid of the director of student conduct and mentor committee, agree to the terms of the plan, and agree to continuous evaluation. • Other discretionary sanctions. Work assignments, essays, presentations, research projects, conduct contracts, service to the college, or other discretionary assignments. 3. Administrative Directive Outcomes. • Administrative relocation of housing. Administrative transfer of a student from one campus housing location to another. • Loss of privilege. Denial of any specified privilege for a designated period of time. Examples include but are not limited to: guest privileges, restriction from a college event or program, and/or restriction from an area or building. • Restitution. Compensation for loss, damage, or injury to college property. is may take the form of appropriate service and/or monetary or material replacement. • Parental notification. Notification may be sent to parents or guardians of a student who is under 18 years of age, or who is financially dependent on his or her parents or guardians, depending on the circumstances surrounding the incident. Parents or guardians may also be notified of alcohol and other drug incidents for students less than 21 years of age, regardless of financial dependency or resulting sanction. • No-contact directive/extension of existing no-contact directive. is may include a new directive (as described above), or an extension of an original directive with or without altered or additional parameters or instructions. Sanctioned no-contact directives may only be removed at the discretion of the director of student conduct and per the written request of all involved parties. Refer to the Student Conduct Code or Title IX Policy for complete definitions of each sanction listed above. Prohibition of Retaliation Retaliation against any employee or student who in good faith alleges that she or he was the victim of discrimination/harassment, provides information in the course of an investigation into claims of unlawful discrimination/harassment, or opposes a discriminatory practice is prohibited. No employee or student in good faith bringing a complaint, providing information for an investigation, or testifying in any proceeding will be subjected to adverse employment or educational consequences based upon such involvement or be the subject of retaliation.

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