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19 SPRING 2019 quality education delivered on a warm and human scale." THIS SPRING, the college debuted its first-ever ad campaign, rolling out Say Hi to TCNJ across the New Jersey region. TCNJ took ad space throughout Terminal C, the United terminal at Newark-Liberty Airport; billboards on the New Jersey Turnpike, 295, and 287; The college will take its next cues regarding the brand process from an evaluation of this initial phase. Meanwhile, Muha has a blanket request for the vast alumni community. "I want people to create room in their elevator speech about their TCNJ or TSC experience to not only talk about the quality of the education," he says, "but also about the quality of the people." "We want people to know more than the fact that we are a small state school with excellent aca- demics," says O'Keefe, a member of Muha's Marketing Team. "The sense of community is one of the best things about going to TCNJ. Student organizations, mentored student research, and just simple daily in- teraction with peers, professors, and staff creates an atmosphere different than any other college in the area." and time on several radio stations including WHYY in Philadelphia that describe TCNJ as a place "where intellectual challenge meets personal connection every day." Things were just as busy on campus, with an Instagram contest asking Lions to Say Hi to people who are always there for them, as mentors, friends, or co-workers, with Hi T-shirts, dad hats, laptop stickers, and HiDrate water bottles as prizes for the best posts. One winning post read: "So incredibly thankful for all the opportunities that TCNJ has brought me! Getting to work with amazing peers and professors (who have become my bffs) has enriched my learning and overall college experience #tcnjsayshi." Brand research done in 2017, which included TCNJ and TSC alumni, backs up her thinking. When compared with two popular peer institutions in the region for high-quality education, TCNJ ranked competitively with one and sailed past the other. But more telling, TCNJ topped both for these attributes: high-quality students, strong community, and supportive student body. When developing the brand, it was critical that the story of TCNJ be authentic and resonate with alumni, whether they graduated last year or 40 years ago. "We weren't going to reinvent the college for the sake of becoming better known," Muha says. "The brand needs to capture that TCNJ offers a high- Social media challenge! Who made your TCNJ/TSC experience special — professors, friends, spouses — and how? Share your story (pictures, too!) in a Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram post and tag it with #TCNJsaysHi to play along. Ten lucky winners will receive exclusive TCNJ Hi swag. Contest ends June 30, 2019.