The College’s Annual Security and Fire Safety Report 2022

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22 THE COLLEGE'S ANNUAL SECURITY AND FIRE SAFETY REPORT 2022 from the building. Additionally, the Department of Residential Education and Housing performs visual inspections of each resident's room in on-campus student housing facilities to confirm fire safety compliance. Residents found in violation of college policy are subject to disciplinary action through the Student Conduct process. In adherence to the International Fire Code New Jersey Edition 2015, the following is strictly prohibited in all college-managed on-campus student housing facilities: tampering or misuse of all fire safety equipment (which includes, but is not limited to, fire extinguishers, fire alarm pull stations, sprinkler heads, smoke detectors, heat sensors, "Exit" signs, emergency lighting, elevator phones, fire doors, and call boxes); blocking doorways; hanging objects from windows; hanging objects on/from fire safety equipment or the ceiling; and initiating false alarms. TCNJ and the state of New Jersey treat false alarms very seriously. Individuals who initiate false alarms are subject to local, state, or federal legal processes and/or disciplinary action through the Student Conduct process. Due to their extreme potential fire hazards the following items are strictly prohibited in college-managed on-campus student housing facilities: candles (even for decorative purposes); incense; halogen lamps; fireworks; smoke/fog machines; flame-producing devices; personal furniture containing or constructed of urethane; and appliances with exposed heating elements, including but not limited to broiler or toaster ovens, heating devices, hotplates, toasters, and space heaters (in emergencies, space heaters may be issued by the Department of Residential Education and Housing staff). e use of appliances with enclosed heating elements for cooking purposes is only permitted in the common areas (i.e., kitchens and lounges); this includes rice cookers, slow cookers, and similar items. Electronic devices, including but not limited to protected power strips, must be listed/certified by a nationally recognized testing laboratory (e.g., UL, ETL, etc.). Extension cords, unprotected power strips, "multiplug adapters," and similar are prohibited from use in college-managed on-campus student housing facilities, as is the act of "Daisychaining" power strips (i.e., connecting multiple power strips together). According to New Jersey state law, smoking of any tobacco product or use of any electronic smoking devices in any indoor public place or workplace is prohibited. In order to maintain the highest levels of health and safety possible, TCNJ prohibits smoking of any tobacco product or use of any electronic smoking devices in all residential buildings. Residents and occupants of facilities in which evidence of use of such a product is found are subject to action through the Student Conduct process and/or fines from the state of New Jersey. All fire safety violations are considered very serious and may result in removal from residence. A fire log is maintained at the Office of CPS. To review this log, please visit the dispatch window located in the college's Administrative Services Building. All fires are required to be reported to the Office of CPS. Campus Town In addition to the aforementioned college-managed on-campus student housing facilities, there are also on-campus student housing facilities that are located on land owned by TCNJ. is land was developed and is managed by the PRC Group, of West Long Branch, New Jersey, and its agents. is development is called Campus Town, and it includes student housing and other facilities. For portions of Campus Town that are used as student housing facilities, the PRC Group and its agents establish and enforce any policies or procedures for their residents. At Campus Town, fire safety systems protect all student housing facilities. Each system consists of fire alarms, smoke detection, and sprinkler protection. Strobe lights are equipped in every student apartment and bedroom. Additionally, all Campus Town student housing facilities are equipped with fire extinguishers. Fire safety systems in Campus Town student housing facilities are monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week by a contracted central station monitoring company that notifies the college's Office of CPS and Campus Town staff in the event of an alarm activation. Campus Town residence staff share fire safety information via email with each resident. In a fire situation, Campus Town staff and students are instructed to use the pull stations, evacuate the building, and to notify the college's Office of CPS if the alarm has not sounded. Residents are instructed to evacuate the building using stairs to muster locations. A map of Campus Town evacuation location for each building is posted in the entry point of every building. e evacuation map for Campus Town is emailed to every resident at the beginning of the fall semester. Campus Town staff live in residence and will be present in the event of a building evacuation. In 2019, Campus Town completed fire drills in eight of the nine buildings in spring 2019, and completed all nine buildings in fall 2019. Campus Town had no fires in 2019. Going forward in 2020, Campus Town will perform one fire drill per building during the fall semester only. Due to the pandemic and residents taking online classes from their apartments during fall of 2020, residents were informed of evacuation protocols via email. Campus Town had no fires in 2020. During the fall 2021 semester, Campus Town completed a fire drill for each of the nine buildings. Campus Town had no fires in 2021. Campus Town residents are instructed to report all fires directly to the college's Office of CPS, and to give immediate notice to Campus Town management regarding any fire, accident, damage, and/or any dangerous or defective conditions. Emergency contact phone numbers, including for the college's Office of CPS, are located in each student apartment on a magnet initially located on the refrigerator or on a mounted wall flyer inside each apartment next to the front door. For Campus Town, the following actions and items are prohibited in the premises and about the property: using fire warning devices and equipment for purposes other than cases of emergency; falsely reporting a fire or any other emergency; tampering with fire safety equipment; setting or fueling a fire of any size; using or possessing candles, other open flame devices, incense, hookahs, halogen lamps, or halogen bulbs of any kind; refusing to leave a building during a fire alarm; smoking inside any part of Campus Town; using or possessing fireworks or firecrackers, or dangerous/flammable chemicals or liquids; open flame (e.g., candle, incense, cigarette, cigar, etc.) inside any part of Campus Town; large appliances or structures without Campus Town management's approval (i.e., waterbeds, additional refrigerators besides mini fridges, large lofts, etc.); "piggy-backing" surge protectors and plugging more than one surge protector into an outlet; excessively overloading or "doubling up" on extension cords or string lights; charcoal and propane grills; use of stove or microwave while apartment is unoccupied; removing fire extinguisher from common spaces within the building; and failing to comply with procedures established for health and safety concerns.

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