FALL 2021
Congrats to Colleen Murphy '16, our spring 2021 quiz winner.
Try this open-book quiz — all the answers are in this issue.
Though that doesn't mean we won't work you a bit.
1. Producing a documentary for Black History Month
was a longtime goal for alumnus Eric Johnson. ❏ T or ❏ F
2. Haley Wright composed a piece for the
American Repertory Ballet that has three moods. ❏ T or ❏ F
3. Lauranne Lanz has been waiting for what NASA
achievement since she first learned about it? ___________
Send your answers to magazine@tcnj.edu by November 1, 2021.
Achieve a perfect score and you'll be entered in a drawing
to win a TCNJ Magazine "I think of TCNJ periodically" T-shirt.