The College’s Annual Security and Fire Safety Report 2020

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8 THE COLLEGE'S ANNUAL SECURITY AND FIRE SAFETY REPORT 2020 Alcohol and Other Drug Education Programs e College of New Jersey is an educational institution committed to maintaining an environment that enables community members to enjoy the benefits of an optimal learning experience. To this end, the Alcohol and Drug Education Program (ADEP),, was fully implemented at the college in September 1990. e ADEP Office is located in Forcina Hall, Room 308, and may be contacted at ext. 2572. ADEP goals are guided by the overall mission of the college and Division of Student Affairs: • e promotion of a healthy, safe, and learning-conducive environment. • e implementation of practices for prevention, education, training, and preliminary screening and referral services. • Instilling in students an awareness of choice, personal responsibility, and understanding of the social and academic consequences associated with the decision to use alcohol and/or other drugs. In fulfillment of its mission, TCNJ is committed to providing a campus environment that promotes the safety and well-being of its students, faculty, and staff. While recognizing that the responsible and lawful use of alcohol and other drugs is socially acceptable in our society, the college regards the abuse of these substances and the use of illicit drugs as antithetical to its mission. erefore, TCNJ permits the use of alcohol and other drugs only in a manner that is responsible and adheres to restrictions imposed by federal, state, and local law and the college's standards of conduct. TCNJ prohibits the possession, use, and/or distribution of illegal drugs on the college's property or as part of any of its activities. For a detailed summary of laws and college regulations, please visit: and and see the Student Conduct Code at Other resources include: • Mental Health Services located in Eickhoff Hall, Room 107 or on the web: • e Collegiate Recovery Program provides comprehensive supports to students in recovery from alcohol and/or other drugs. rough TCNJ's Collegiate Recovery Program we offer counseling services, community for students in recovery, and recovery housing. For more information, contact Christopher Freeman at 609.771.2134 or Website: Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking Prevention e Title IX Policy ("Policy") prohibits sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, sexual harassment, stalking and gender- based discrimination and harassment. e College of New Jersey ("TCNJ" or the "college"), as an institution of higher education and a community dedicated to learning and the advancement of knowledge, expects and requires the behavior of students, faculty, and staff to be compatible with its high standards of conduct. For the college, this means a firm institutional commitment to protect the community and the rights of its members, and to cultivate and sustain a positive living and learning environment. us, sexual harassment, including misconduct such as physical sexual misconduct, domestic or dating violence, and stalking (collectively, "Sexual Violence") will not be tolerated. Note, any reference in the Title IX Policy to a person or role in the policy or process is intentionally gender neutral to reflect the college's commitment to an inclusive policy. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 ("Title IX") and its implementing regulations protects people from discrimination, based on sex, in education programs or activities. Title IX states that: "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance." e U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights ("OCR") enforces compliance with Title IX and emphasizes the importance of providing an educational environment free from discrimination. e college prohibits any such unlawful discrimination. erefore, any acts of Sexual Violence against an individual (whether student, faculty, or staff) constitutes such discrimination and in some cases may be a crime. Guided by the mission of Student Affairs, the Office of Anti- Violence Initiatives (AVI) leads the campus effort to address issues of sexual assault, domestic/dating violence, and stalking by working with community partners to create a campus environment that is intolerant of abuse and is responsive to the needs of victims/ survivors. Our objective is to establish a campus culture of safety, free from sexual violence, resulting in a safer living and learning environment. e Office of AVI provides bystander intervention and other prevention programs for members of the TCNJ community, such as programs during orientation, programs for first-year residence halls, student organizations and athletic teams, awareness months, and social marketing campaigns. Acts of sexual violence are prohibited by the Title IX Policy, Student Conduct Code, and New Jersey state law. • Dating Violence. Violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim; and where the existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on a consideration of the following factors: length of the relationship, type of relationship, and frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship. • Domestic Violence. A "victim of domestic violence" includes any person, regardless of age, who has been subjected to violence by a person with whom the victim has a child, or with whom the victim anticipates having a child, if one of the parties is pregnant, and any other person who is a present or former household member. "Victim of domestic violence" also includes any person who has been subjected to domestic violence by a person with whom the victim has had a dating relationship.

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