The College’s Annual Security and Fire Safety Report 2020

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3 THE COLLEGE'S ANNUAL SECURITY AND FIRE SAFETY REPORT 2020 A Message from the President Dear Members of the Campus Community, I am pleased to provide for your review and information this year's Annual Security and Fire Safety Report. e report highlights our work in safety and security and provides valuable information regarding safety measures and resources for all members of the Campus Community. You will see from the report that our safety record is strong. Yet our goal as a Campus Community is not merely to have good statistics to report, but also to create an environment in which all community members feel comfortable in reporting concerns. A safe community is the result of broad involvement and the entire campus working together. TCNJ's Office of Campus Police Services has been proactive in promoting safety and preventing crime on our campus, establishing a number of outreach programs designed to protect and educate members of the Campus Community. e Office of CPS is committed to making continuous improvements in campus security and safety. In your role as a community member, please continue to cooperate with our Campus Police and assist them in preventing and responding to crime on campus. e College of New Jersey places the safety and security of its students, faculty, staff, and visitors at the very top of our priorities. Our success in this work begins with you. ank you for being an active member of the college community and helping to make our campus safe for all. If you have any questions or would like more information regarding campus safety and security, please contact the Office of CPS administrative offices at 609.771.2171. Sincerely yours, Kathryn A. Foster President e College of New Jersey A Message from the Chief of Police Dear Community Members, e College of New Jersey Office of Campus Police Services (CPS) wishes to welcome you to campus. We want to assure you that our goal is to help everyone in our campus community feel safe, respected, and heard. CPS sees itself as a partner in making TCNJ an inclusive environment and we are committed to professional policing that is unbiased, fair, and transparent. Our commitment to the community goes beyond rhetoric. It is apparent in the professionalism of our service, the conspicuity of our policies and procedures, and our ongoing effort to continuously improve the accountability of the CPS team. To ensure our transparency and accessibility, CPS posts our policies, procedures, training, and community outreach on our webpage. In particular, the "about" section contains copies of the college's annual security reports, as well as our body-worn camera policy, use of force policy, and immigrant trust directive. We encourage you to visit for details. On that site, we also invite your comments at any time via our Compliment or Complaint Form. e work we do in CPS is vital to TCNJ living up to its values, and it can only be done when we work together. As we work to strengthen our bonds with the TCNJ community, we hope that you will stand in partnership with us. Sincerely, Timothy Grant Chief of Police/Director of Campus Security

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