The College’s Annual Security and Fire Safety Report 2020

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20 THE COLLEGE'S ANNUAL SECURITY AND FIRE SAFETY REPORT 2020 Campus Town residence staff discuss fire safety during initial floor meetings with all residents within a few days of when they move in. In a fire situation, Campus Town staff and students are instructed to use the pull stations, evacuate the building, and to notify the college's Office of CPS if the alarm has not sounded. Residents are instructed to evacuate the building using stairs to muster locations. e Resident Handbook has a map showing the evacuation location for each student. Campus Town staff live in residence and will be present in the event of a building evacuation. In 2016, planned fire drills were not performed at Campus Town. As of 2017, there are nine buildings located within Campus Town. In Fall 2017, each building held two fire drills for a grand total of 18 fire drills for that semester. In Spring 2017, each building conducted one fire drill for a grand total of nine fire drills. In Fall 2018, eight buildings had two fire drills, and one building had one fire drill, for a total of 17 fire drills that semester. In the Spring 2018 semester, each of the nine buildings conducted two fire drills for a total of 18 fire drills, which totals 35 fire drills conducted for the year. Going forward from 2019 and on, only one fire drill will be conducted per building in the fall and one in the spring (totaling 18 fire drills for the year). In 2019, Campus Town completed fire drills in eight of the nine buildings in Spring 2019, and completed all nine buildings in Fall 2019. Campus Town had no fires in 2019. Campus Town residents are instructed to report all fires directly to the college's Office of CPS, and to give immediate notice to Campus Town management regarding any fire, accident, damage, and/or any dangerous or defective conditions. Emergency contact phone numbers, including for the college's Office of CPS, are located in each student apartment on a magnet initially located on the refrigerator or on a mounted wall flyer inside each apartment next to the front door. For Campus Town, the following actions and items are prohibited in the premises and about the property: using fire warning devices and equipment for purposes other than cases of emergency; falsely reporting a fire or any other emergency; tampering with fire safety equipment; setting or fueling a fire of any size; using or possessing candles, other open flame devices, incense, hookahs, halogen lamps or halogen bulbs of any kind; refusing to leave a building during a fire alarm; smoking inside any part of Campus Town; using or possessing fireworks or firecrackers, or dangerous/flammable chemicals or liquids; open flame (e.g., candle, incense, cigarette, cigar, etc.) inside any part of Campus Town; large appliances or structures without Campus Town management's approval (i.e., waterbeds, additional refrigerators besides mini fridges, large lofts, etc.); "piggy-backing" surge protectors and plugging more than one surge protector into an outlet; excessively overloading or "doubling up" on extension cords or string lights; charcoal and propane grills; use of stove or microwave while apartment is unoccupied; removing fire extinguisher from kitchen space; and failing to comply with procedures established for health and safety concerns.

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