Springtime at TCNJ did not bring the usual bustle of activity. There were no ball games to watch on sunny days, no Alumni
Weekend to attend. Students didn't get to ride the Ferris wheel at Funival on the last day of class and their Celebration of
Student Achievement, a month-long showcase of scholarly and creative work, turned into a virtual gallery. For seniors, there
were no caps and gowns to pick up at Barnes & Noble. Instead, they received them in the mail and donned them in living rooms
as they processed with their classmates via a remote commencement ceremony. We know of one student, Vincent Gukin '20,
who tried to rescue some tradition and walked around campus alone wearing his gown.
But our loss was not in vain: At the time this issue went to print in mid-May, there were no reports of students, faculty,
or staff who had died of the virus. At the very least, we can celebrate the thousands of lives saved because we stayed home.